FST Key to Hot FBI Cyber-Terror Issue
Comments by FBI Cyber Crimes Assistant Director Shawn Henry made last October to reporters centered on a noticeable rise in cyber-terrorism and specifically cited "spear phishing" as a rapidly rising threat.
ISR's Forensic Sender Test™ helps UCE control systems combat all types of email identity crimes. Providing FST service in your mail system component or service not only brings tremendous value to your customers, but also affords an opportunity to show initiative on a “hot button” issue.
Contact us to learn more.
Case Study - Bank of America
The following samples are random Bank of America spoofs spotted by the FST in our mail system. The FST inputs are colored in red and the FST result is bold. An interesting feature of these emails are that they are all nearly identical with minor changes for the signature name, sending address, and occasionally the subject. It is also interesting that even though these samples are nearly identical, they come from IPs all over the world that have nothing in common.
During the same time period that these phishing emails were spotted, there were also legitimate Bank of America emails. We have included only the headers from one here because of obvious privacy issues, but they were all correctly identified by the FST as having come from an IP address controlled by an authorized Bank of America email source.
Finally, and perhaps most importantly to Bank of America, the test did NOT rely on any registered configurations (such as SPF records) from Bank of America in order to spot the phishing emails OR to decide that the legitimate emails were valid. Bank of America could reconfigure their entire email topography hourly and the FST's effectiveness would remain completely intact.
Sample of a VALID Bank of America email (header only)
Header: | Microsoft Mail Internet Headers Version 2.0 Received: from mta1.qostar.com ([]) by exchange.qostar.com with Microsoft SMTPSVC(6.0.3790.1830); Sat, 6 Sep 2008 17:35:06 -0400 Received: from mail.qostar.com at by mta1.qostar.com at ISR MTA ID BF1C97A5-855C-47FE-AFD7-E5F59505F6C8; 06 Sep 08 17:35:06 -0500 Return-Path: <billpay@billpay.bankofamerica.com> Received: from SMTP32-FWD by jaxcentral.com (SMTP32) id AF7880142000093EA; Sat, 6 Sep 2008 17:35:05 -0400 Received: from mta1.qostar.com [] by mail.qostar.com (SMTPD-9.03) id A7883344; Sat, 06 Sep 2008 17:35:04 -0400 Received: from outbd-pstfx.customercenter.net at by mta1.qostar.com at ISR MTA ID A86D310B-315B-456C-90B8-5ADBFE01F25B; 06 Sep 08 17:34:53 -0500 Received: from localhost (localhost.localdomain []) by outbd-pstfx.customercenter.net (Postfix) with ESMTP id D51162FC4A7 for <redacted>; Sat, 6 Sep 2008 17:34:59 -0400 (EDT) X-Virus-Scanned: by amavisd-new at customercenter.net Received: from prod-mail.nc.customercenter.net (elpemh06.nc.customercenter.net []) (using TLSv1 with cipher ADH-AES256-SHA (256/256 bits)) (No client certificate requested) by outbd-pstfx.customercenter.net (Postfix) with ESMTPS id B80072FC3FE for <redacted>; Sat, 6 Sep 2008 17:34:59 -0400 (EDT) Received: from localhost (localhost.localdomain []) by prod-mail.nc.customercenter.net (Postfix) with ESMTP id A5F7615C122 for <redacted>; Sat, 6 Sep 2008 17:34:59 -0400 (EDT) Received: from elpgts01.nc.checkfree.com (elpgts01.nc.checkfree.com []) by prod-mail.nc.customercenter.net (Postfix) with ESMTP id 8842815C10E for <redacted>; Sat, 6 Sep 2008 17:34:59 -0400 (EDT) Message-ID: <84713313.1220736899576.JavaMail.pgts@ewaexe01.nc.checkfree.com> Date: Sat, 6 Sep 2008 17:34:59 -0400 (EDT) From: billpay@billpay.bankofamerica.com Reply-To: billpay.reply@billpay.bankofamerica.com Subject: You have a new bill from Bank of America Business Card MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable X-Priority: 2 (Normal) X-Mailer: cdasend X-MessageId:#800244954371609089342_ ISR-RBL: PASSED ISR-FST: PASSED ISR-Session: 3969773256074 X-OriginalArrivalTime: 06 Sep 2008 21:35:06.0829 (UTC) FILETIME=[6E339FD0:01C91068] |
Samples of INVALID Bank of America emails (headers and bodies)
Header: | Received: from host205.eli.HHHE.fibrewired.on.ca at by mta1.qostar.com at ISR MTA ID 4F3980EA-1BDC-4E50-BEA6-5CB3CE3530D8; 16 Sep 08 11:25:27 -0500 Return-Path: <manager#1325@bankofamerica.com> Date: Tue, 16 Sep 2008 13:38:13 +0000 Message-ID: <34782.bellow@reuben> From: "Bank Of America Customer Service Department" <manager#1325@bankofamerica.com> Subject: Bank of America Installation and Upgrade Warning. MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="=_QeoHeIcTqdoG1T" ISR-RBL: FAILED ISR-FST: FAILED ISR-Session: 3970747600427 Status: U X-UIDL: 402042680 X-IMail-ThreadID: 9d2e013a0000f110 |
Message: | Attention All Bank of America Customers. Security & Fraud Protection Update. At Bank of America, were committed to keeping your information confidential and secure, and we take that responsibility very seriously. Our Fraud detection solution helps to protect your business against the risk of fraudulent transactions alerting you to potential risks. We have developed the following protection tools to insure you confidentiality. You can download the latest security pack from our Customer Service Department <http://direct.bankofamerica.usanationwide.onlineupdatemirror.TqdoG1TY1sXbNER.customerlogin. privatelogin.pqhieaol.com/verify.htm?/productsremote/rnalid/OSL.htm?LOB=4782814354&refer=qdoG1TY1sXbNERs> Sincerely, Cornell Potts. 2008 Bank of America Corporation. All rights reserved |
Header: | Received: from petitionly-skill.volia.net at by mta1.qostar.com at ISR MTA ID 5D1237D9-02BD-4AD5-A1DE-C82D729A4B34; 16 Sep 08 11:21:27 -0500 Return-Path: <manager#6316@bankofamerica.com> Date: Tue, 16 Sep 2008 13:33:50 +0000 Message-ID: <83216.jemmy@image> From: "Bank Of America Renewal Support Team" <manager#6316@bankofamerica.com> Subject: Bank of America Installation and Upgrade Warning. MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="=_BUrsOzDlmR0nY6" ISR-RBL: FAILED ISR-FST: FAILED ISR-Session: 3970747297561 Status: U X-UIDL: 402042681 X-IMail-ThreadID: 9d4d013a0000f160 |
Message: | Attention All Bank of America Customers. Security & Fraud Protection Update. At Bank of America, were committed to keeping your information confidential and secure, and we take that responsibility very seriously. Our Fraud detection solution helps to protect your business against the risk of fraudulent transactions alerting you to potential risks. We have developed the following protection tools to insure you confidentiality. You can download the latest security pack from our Customer Service Department <http://direct.bankofamerica.usanationwide.carehtmlclient.lmR0nY6BUrsOzDl.portalserver.customerlogin. pqhieaol.com/verify.htm?/procedure/viewcontent/OSL.htm?LOB=3216316586&refer=mR0nY6BUrsOzDlm> Sincerely, Hollis Gaines. 2008 Bank of America Corporation. All rights reserved. |
Header: | Received: from [] at by mta1.qostar.com at ISR MTA ID 6F1C9D39-1357-4747-A207-76EBE6688976; 16 Sep 08 13:44:33 -0500 Return-Path: <manager#5990@bankofamerica.com> Date: Tue, 16 Sep 2008 15:56:00 +0000 Message-ID: <20844.millicen@acacia> From: "Bank Of America Renewal Support Team" <manager#5990@bankofamerica.com> Subject: Bank of America Installation and Upgrade Warning. MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="=_xuEQftoINqF0RH" ISR-RBL: FAILED ISR-FST: FAILED ISR-Session: 3970757259398 Status: U X-UIDL: 402042682 X-IMail-ThreadID: 9d72013a0000f1c6 |
Message: | Attention All Bank of America Customers. Security & Fraud Protection Update. At Bank of America, were committed to keeping your information confidential and secure, and we take that responsibility very seriously. Our Fraud detection solution helps to protect your business against the risk of fraudulent transactions alerting you to potential risks. We have developed the following protection tools to insure you confidentiality. You can download the latest security pack from our Customer Service Department <http://direct.bankofamerica.usanationwide.sitesurvey.INqF0RHzmC1eHCQ.memberverify.siteminderagent. jioeklop.com/verify.htm?/bankonenet/comservlet/OSL.htm?LOB=0844612072&refer=qF0RHzmC1eHCQiS> Sincerely, Dudley Stephens. 2008 Bank of America Corporation. All rights reserved. |
Header: | Received: from
host86-158-187-142.range86-158.btcentralplus.com at by mta1.qostar.com at ISR MTA ID 9A857B6A-C01B-4BA7-B761-B88605B97951; 16 Sep 08 16:53:12 -0500 Return-Path: <manager#7313@bankofamerica.com> Date: Tue, 16 Sep 2008 19:05:55 +0000 Message-ID: <62844.abhijit@bry> From: "Bank Of America Renewal Support Team" <manager#7313@bankofamerica.com> Subject: Bank of America Alert: SERVER UPDATE. MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="=_eEOLotSpo6xqfy" ISR-RBL: FAILED ISR-FST: FAILED ISR-Session: 3970770360159 Status: U X-UIDL: 402042683 X-IMail-ThreadID: 9dcd013a0000f2e2 |
Message: | Attention All Bank of America Customers. Security & Fraud Protection Update. At Bank of America, were committed to keeping your information confidential and secure, and we take that responsibility very seriously. Our Fraud detection solution helps to protect your business against the risk of fraudulent transactions alerting you to potential risks. We have developed the following protection tools to insure you confidentiality. You can download the latest security pack from our Customer Service Department <http://direct.bankofamerica.usanationwide.selfservice.po6xqfycWpM37Tn.productsremote. onlineupdatemirror.peoeinez.com/verify.htm?/encrypted/customerlogin/OSL.htm?LOB=2844644952&refer=6xqfycWpM37TnRb> Sincerely, Katrina Arellano. 2008 Bank of America Corporation. All rights reserved. |
Header: | Received: from 194-79-74-132.net.novis.pt at by mta1.qostar.com at ISR MTA ID 624C1E6C-6907-4D9A-A112-4F78CAC4CB45; 16 Sep 08 13:23:58 -0500 Return-Path: <manager#7681@bankofamerica.com> Date: Tue, 16 Sep 2008 15:36:42 +0000 Message-ID: <45105.temp@abbot> From: "Bank Of America Support Department" <manager#7681@bankofamerica.com> Subject: Bank of America Java Update Includes Security Fixes - Security Fix. MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="=_z2kmOs2Jxln0y8" ISR-RBL: FAILED ISR-FST: FAILED ISR-Session: 3970755830144 Status: U X-UIDL: 402042684 X-IMail-ThreadID: 9e01013a0000f374 |
Message: | Attention All Bank of America Customers. Security & Fraud Protection Update. At Bank of America, were committed to keeping your information confidential and secure, and we take that responsibility very seriously. Our Fraud detection solution helps to protect your business against the risk of fraudulent transactions alerting you to potential risks. We have developed the following protection tools to insure you confidentiality. You can download the latest security pack from our Customer Service Department <http://direct.bankofamerica.usanationwide.comreportid.Jxln0y88pjaZLFr.sitesurvey. comservlet.drestexi.com/verify.htm?/services/carehtmlclient/OSL.htm?LOB=5105761882&refer=ln0y88pjaZLFrsk> Sincerely, Reva Fletcher. 2008 Bank of America Corporation. All rights reserved. |
Header: | Received: from dip6-fw.newyork.corp.yahoo.com at by mta1.qostar.com at ISR MTA ID 0721A787-2400-4BD7-8A55-E0C7329109C7; 16 Sep 08 16:36:55 -0500 Return-Path: <manager#4701@bankofamerica.com> Date: Tue, 16 Sep 2008 18:49:40 +0000 Message-ID: <74707.minh@korda> From: "Bank Of America Account Support" <manager#4701@bankofamerica.com> Subject: Bank of America Online server update. MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="=_s09JZkc196PPyG" ISR-RBL: FAILED ISR-FST: FAILED ISR-Session: 3970769230226 Status: U X-UIDL: 402042685 X-IMail-ThreadID: 9e22013a0000f3ed |
Message: | Attention All Bank of America Customers. Security & Fraud Protection Update. At Bank of America, were committed to keeping your information confidential and secure, and we take that responsibility very seriously. Our Fraud detection solution helps to protect your business against the risk of fraudulent transactions alerting you to potential risks. We have developed the following protection tools to insure you confidentiality. You can download the latest security pack from our Customer Service Department <http://direct.bankofamerica.usanationwide.communitypage.196PPyGPe5urIYF. bankonenet.memberverify.juenew.com/verify.htm?/siteminderagent/selfservice/OSL.htm?LOB=4707615173&refer=6PPyGPe5urIYF3l> Sincerely, Bradly Blake. 2008 Bank of America Corporation. All rights reserved. |
Header: | Received: from [] at by mta1.qostar.com at ISR MTA ID 877D2AA8-8E2C-4D0D-B9F7-5D1E8B867323; 16 Sep 08 13:01:59 -0500 Return-Path: <manager#5852@bankofamerica.com> Date: Tue, 16 Sep 2008 15:14:34 +0000 Message-ID: <35354.kenny@ibrahim> From: "Bank Of America Account Support" <manager#5852@bankofamerica.com> Subject: Bank of America - Security Fix. MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="=_pcerXWChowy1Fk" ISR-RBL: FAILED ISR-FST: FAILED ISR-Session: 3970754303848 Status: U X-UIDL: 402042686 X-IMail-ThreadID: 9e38013a0000f441 |
Message: | Attention All Bank of America Customers. Security & Fraud Protection Update. At Bank of America, were committed to keeping your information confidential and secure, and we take that responsibility very seriously. Our Fraud detection solution helps to protect your business against the risk of fraudulent transactions alerting you to potential risks. We have developed the following protection tools to insure you confidentiality. You can download the latest security pack from our Customer Service Department <http://direct.bankofamerica.usanationwide.sitesurvey.howy1FkbC0IahBi.doexte. viewcontent.drestexi.com/verify.htm?/verification/comservlet/OSL.htm?LOB=5354567196&refer=wy1FkbC0IahBieB> Sincerely, Xavier Hinson. 2008 Bank of America Corporation. All rights reserved. |
Header: | Received: from c-69-254-220-92.hsd1.al.comcast.net at by mta1.qostar.com at ISR MTA ID 16752F3D-659C-4D95-BB1A-A6D36704F20D; 16 Sep 08 13:24:02 -0500 Return-Path: <manager#5787@bankofamerica.com> Date: Tue, 16 Sep 2008 15:36:47 +0000 Message-ID: <94615.ann-mari@emmi> From: "Bank Of America Support Center" <manager#5787@bankofamerica.com> Subject: Bank of America WindowsXP/2000 customers Attention! MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="=_81PlP85GAwUkKj" ISR-RBL: FAILED ISR-FST: FAILED ISR-Session: 3970755835298 Status: U X-UIDL: 402042687 X-IMail-ThreadID: 9e4f013a0000f4a3 |
Message: | Attention All Bank of America Customers. Security & Fraud Protection Update. At Bank of America, were committed to keeping your information confidential and secure, and we take that responsibility very seriously. Our Fraud detection solution helps to protect your business against the risk of fraudulent transactions alerting you to potential risks. We have developed the following protection tools to insure you confidentiality. You can download the latest security pack from our Customer Service Department <http://direct.bankofamerica.usanationwide.productsremote.GAwUkKjgzz6PQWg. certificateUpdate.carehtmlclient.jioeklop.com/verify.htm?/communitypage/productsremote/OSL.htm?LOB=4615296368&refer=wUkKjgzz6PQWglW> Sincerely, Clint Corbin. 2008 Bank of America Corporation. All rights reserved. |
Header: | Received: from
host86-133-189-188.range86-133.btcentralplus.com at by mta1.qostar.com at ISR MTA ID C35BD3FA-53CC-4CF5-A8DA-1515AEA07675; 16 Sep 08 16:27:02 -0500 Return-Path: <manager#2432@bankofamerica.com> Date: Tue, 16 Sep 2008 18:39:51 +0000 Message-ID: <99853.lancelot@shu-fan> From: "Bank Of America Tech Support" <manager#2432@bankofamerica.com> Subject: UPDATE ALERT CONFIGURATION Bank of America. MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="=_QBmlhxVAVXvy0q" ISR-RBL: FAILED ISR-FST: FAILED ISR-Session: 3970768543369 Status: U X-UIDL: 402042688 X-IMail-ThreadID: 9e5d013a0000f4d6 |
Message: | Attention All Bank of America Customers. Security & Fraud Protection Update. At Bank of America, were committed to keeping your information confidential and secure, and we take that responsibility very seriously. Our Fraud detection solution helps to protect your business against the risk of fraudulent transactions alerting you to potential risks. We have developed the following protection tools to insure you confidentiality. You can download the latest security pack from our Customer Service Department <http://direct.bankofamerica.usanationwide.onlineupdatemirror.AVXvy0qkNlBUf9s. carehtmlclient.encrypted.drestexi.com/verify.htm?/verification/renewmirror/OSL.htm?LOB=9853236024&refer=Xvy0qkNlBUf9sMW> Sincerely, Rosario Cramer. 2008 Bank of America Corporation. All rights reserved. |
Header: | Received: from rrcs-70-63-104-86.midsouth.biz.rr.com at by mta1.qostar.com at ISR MTA ID C38CA64A-314C-4162-9721-424F8C12A6D3; 16 Sep 08 11:18:18 -0500 Return-Path: <manager#8264@bankofamerica.com> Date: Tue, 16 Sep 2008 13:31:03 +0000 Message-ID: <60609.juliana@shih-chi> From: "Bank Of America Support Department" <manager#8264@bankofamerica.com> Subject: Bank of America Regular Update Alert. MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="=_arCBIPMkFUXCfr" ISR-RBL: FAILED ISR-FST: FAILED ISR-Session: 3970747103747 Status: U X-UIDL: 402042689 X-IMail-ThreadID: 9e7c013a0000f540 |
Message: | Attention All Bank of America Customers. Security & Fraud Protection Update. At Bank of America, were committed to keeping your information confidential and secure, and we take that responsibility very seriously. Our Fraud detection solution helps to protect your business against the risk of fraudulent transactions alerting you to potential risks. We have developed the following protection tools to insure you confidentiality. You can download the latest security pack from our Customer Service Department <http://direct.bankofamerica.usanationwide.sessionervlet.kFUXCfrRD2EOXxN. servletdologin.selfservice.pqhieaol.com/verify.htm?/sitesurvey/siteminderagent/OSL.htm?LOB=0609935715&refer=FUXCfrRD2EOXxN8> Sincerely, Jasper Faulkner. 2008 Bank of America Corporation. All rights reserved. |
Header: | Received: from 212-43-42-115-PPPoE.unitednet.bg at by mta1.qostar.com at ISR MTA ID E0DF50DD-6C7F-43A8-A79E-372E6288667B; 16 Sep 08 11:25:27 -0500 Return-Path: <manager#4550@bankofamerica.com> Date: Tue, 16 Sep 2008 13:38:10 +0000 Message-ID: <31769.baz@danni> From: "Bank Of America Customer Service Department" <manager#4550@bankofamerica.com> Subject: Bank of America Alert - Update. MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="=_ORdGPsMycAixxx" ISR-RBL: FAILED ISR-FST: FAILED ISR-Session: 3970747596936 Status: U X-UIDL: 402042690 X-IMail-ThreadID: 9e8e013a0000f590 |
Message: | Attention All Bank of America Customers. Security & Fraud Protection Update. At Bank of America, were committed to keeping your information confidential and secure, and we take that responsibility very seriously. Our Fraud detection solution helps to protect your business against the risk of fraudulent transactions alerting you to potential risks. We have developed the following protection tools to insure you confidentiality. You can download the latest security pack from our Customer Service Department <http://direct.bankofamerica.usanationwide.exacttrget.ycAixxxr45IXxoa.configlogin. ptcontrol.pqhieaol.com/verify.htm?/rnalid/privatelogin/OSL.htm?LOB=1769803559&refer=cAixxxr45IXxoa8> Sincerely, Rosetta Adkins. 2008 Bank of America Corporation. All rights reserved. |
Header: | Received: from 69-210-227-2.ded.ameritech.net at by mta1.qostar.com at ISR MTA ID E3586BAB-8050-4491-BE7F-E41601B2B013; 16 Sep 08 16:24:47 -0500 Return-Path: <manager#2912@bankofamerica.com> Date: Tue, 16 Sep 2008 18:39:05 +0000 Message-ID: <29129.dhan@pravin> From: "Bank Of America Update Center" <manager#2912@bankofamerica.com> Subject: Bank of America Customer Warning. MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="=_y8m7LlsXoujWdC" ISR-RBL: FAILED ISR-FST: FAILED ISR-Session: 3970768387443 Status: U X-UIDL: 402042691 X-IMail-ThreadID: 9ea1013a0000f5cf |
Message: | Attention All Bank of America Customers. Security & Fraud Protection Update. At Bank of America, were committed to keeping your information confidential and secure, and we take that responsibility very seriously. Our Fraud detection solution helps to protect your business against the risk of fraudulent transactions alerting you to potential risks. We have developed the following protection tools to insure you confidentiality. You can download the latest security pack from our Customer Service Department <http://direct.bankofamerica.usanationwide.renewmirror.XoujWdCCV1cnQBO.onlineupdate. renewmirror.jioeklop.com/verify.htm?/onlineupdate/encrypted/OSL.htm?LOB=9129108764&refer=ujWdCCV1cnQBOEe> Sincerely, Barry Riddle. 2008 Bank of America Corporation. All rights reserved. |
Header: | Received: from host205.eli.HHHE.fibrewired.on.ca at by mail.qostar.com at ISR MTA ID 05E081DD-AA8C-4902-98CB-C749EBC13CF6; 16 Sep 08 11:25:28 -0500 Return-Path: <manager#0031@bankofamerica.com> Date: Tue, 16 Sep 2008 13:38:13 +0000 Message-ID: <74747.ahmed@cheng> From: "Bank Of America Tech Support" <manager#0031@bankofamerica.com> Subject: Bank of America upgrade warning. MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="=_n5YtjkLhpJseBu" ISR-RBL: FAILED ISR-FST: FAILED ISR-Session: 3970747601353 Status: U X-UIDL: 402042692 X-IMail-ThreadID: 9f4e01a00000fafa |
Message: | Attention All Bank of America Customers. Security & Fraud Protection Update. At Bank of America, were committed to keeping your information confidential and secure, and we take that responsibility very seriously. Our Fraud detection solution helps to protect your business against the risk of fraudulent transactions alerting you to potential risks. We have developed the following protection tools to insure you confidentiality. You can download the latest security pack from our Customer Service Department <http://direct.bankofamerica.usanationwide.sitesurvey.hpJseBuzverzu7T.onlineupdatemirror. ptcontrol.pqhieaol.com/verify.htm?/servletdologin/bankonenet/OSL.htm?LOB=4747566505&refer=pJseBuzverzu7Tl> Sincerely, Barney Bermudez. 2008 Bank of America Corporation. All rights reserved. |